Playdates are currently offered on Wed, Thur, and Fri. Time typically is 10ish -noonish.
Regular dog walking clients get first dibs on available spots. Dog owners do not have to be home for us to pick up/drop off. For transport, requirement is to live within a 10-mile radius of Totally Pawsome.
* Playdates are weather permitting.
* We require all new dogs to come for a 1.5-hour trial before attending.

Trial Day
A trial day is 1.5 hours at Totally Pawsome HQ. Our goal is to give your dog an opportunity to come over, check out our setup, meet us and our dog Beasley. We schedule these on non Playdate days to give your dog an opportunity to get comfortable without too many other distractions.
All dogs must come for a trial day before scheduling a Playdate. Please see our FAQ page to answer vaccine and spay/neuter requirements.
$25 w/o transport

Dogs will be dropped off or picked up and brought to Totally Pawsome HQ for small group playtime. Dogs will interact and play with other dogs, toys, and humans in our outdoor dog-friendly yard. Dogs will then be transported home tired and ready to snooze. Playdates last approximately 2 hours. Drop off/pick up will add an hour to the total time.
Please see our FAQ page for vaccine and spay/neuter requirements.
$25 w/o transport
$30 w/ transport